2024 Term 4 Week 4
From the Principal - Lisa Cavanagh
APMI - Jodie Inskip
School Fees
Prep - Tennille Kauter
Prep/1 Gold - Hannah Patterson
Year 2 - Kirralee Bronkhurst
Year 2 - Stacy Mills
Year 3 - Tilly Hose and Sarah McAllister
Year 4/5 - Danni Canning
Year 5/6 - Brook Marquart
Sport - Jenna Taylor
School Counsellor - Christopher Byrne
Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme
Happy Families Article
AEIOU Foundation
From the Principal - Lisa Cavanagh
Newsletter Article Week 4 Term 4
Dear Holy Name Families,
This term is just flying by! Term 4 is such a busy one, with all our end of year events and celebrations to look forward to. Each term this year, I have added a reminder about our school expectations to the newsletter. Our class teachers have also been reminding the students of these. It is important that we all continue to uphold our school expectations all the way to the end of the year.
The following are the behaviour expectations for students at Holy Name School.
- All students will treat others respectfully (including classmates, staff and volunteers).
- All students will keep their hands, feet and objects to themselves.
- All students will speak kindly to each other (offensive and/or abusive language is not okay).
- All students include and extend hospitality to others.
- All students take responsibility for their own actions and accept the consequences of these actions.
- All students will speak-up when they witness someone being bullied – Bullying will NOT be tolerated at Holy Name School.
Year 5/6 Camp February 2025
Last week, we had a meeting with our current year 4 & 5 families about Camp for 2025. As the camp to Emu Gully is in February next year, we thought that we would get in early and do some fundraising this term to reduce the cost for our families. We had many great suggestions raised at the meeting.
- Over the following Fridays, student will be able to purchase an ice-block for $1 after eating time at big lunch. The Year 4 & 5 students will be giving up their play time to run this fundraiser. We are looking into some healthy treat options for the coming weeks.
- Christmas Raffle – there was a suggestion for a Christmas Multi-Draw raffle, to be drawn at the Christmas Concert on Thursday 28th If any current year 4 or 5 parents would like to coordinate this raffle, please let us know a soon as possible. Donations of raffle prizes are most welcome and can be left at the school office.
Staffing News
Last Friday, a communication went to all families with some staffing announcements. We are excited to be welcoming the following staff to Holy Name in 2025.
- Mrs Anna Vaessen – classroom teacher
- Mrs Julia Burns – teacher (working 2 days per week and sharing a class with Sarah McAllister)
- Mr Damian Dore – school officer
- Mrs Cherie Anderson – school cleaner – Cherie joins the team in the first week of November 2024
I also shared the news that Miss Tilly Hose will be moving to the Sunshine Coast with her family and will be teaching at Stella Maris in 2025.
At our final assembly on Monday the 2nd of December, we will farewell our staff who are moving on in a special way.
End of Year Student Awards
This year, Holy Name is introducing some awards to be presented at our final assembly on Monday the 2nd of December. These academic awards will be awarded to one student in each year level cohort (Prep to Year 6) who has achieved the top results (Academic Achievement Award) and to a student who has demonstrated great improvement and/or effort (Academic Effort Award) in the following subject areas.
- Academic Achievement Award
- English
- Mathematics
- Religion
- Academic Effort Award
- English
- Mathematics
- Religion
There will be 6 awards to be presented for each year level cohort. We will also be presenting the final Footsteps of Jesus award for the year at this assembly.
Year 6 Awards
After the Final School Mass on Wednesday the 4th of December, we will celebrate the Graduation of our Year 6 leaders. At this graduation, we will be introducing a number of awards our Year 6 students are eligible to receive. These will have been nominated by the staff and upper school students of Holy Name School, with the school Extended Leadership Team discerning the recipients.
The awards and selection criteria are:
Commitment to School Award – this award is bestowed upon a student who:
- Offers his/her time for the benefit of the school
- Attends functions to represent the school eg. Mayoral Morning Tea
- Consistently demonstrates effort with their schoolwork
- Has regular attendance at school
- Wears his/her uniform correctly and with pride
- Demonstrates a very high standard of behaviour (no suspensions, behaviour reports)
- Treats all members of the school with respect
- Is a role model for younger students
Academic Award – the recipient of the Academic Award:
- Obtains a very high achievement in class-based assessments across all Key Learning Areas including; tests, assignments and class work
- Obtains a high achievement in whole school assessment (PAT Maths, PAT Reading)
- Participates in ICAS testing where possible
- Participates in extension opportunities provided in class
- Looks for opportunities to extend their own learning
Sporting Award – this award is presented to a student who:
- Is age champion for; athletics/swimming/cross country
- Represents the school at; school, district, regional, state in their chosen field (school sport only)
- Participates actively in Physical Education classes
- Demonstrates good sportspersonship at all times
Cultural Award – is awarded to a student who:
- Is a committed member of the school choir (including eisteddfod, Sing Out etc)
- Positively contributes to Music, Dance and Drama lessons
- Obtains a high achievement in Music, Dance and Drama assessments
- Demonstrates abilities in Visual Art/Media Arts
Catherine McAuley Award – the recipient:
- Participates enthusiastically in Religious Education classes
- Contributes positively to the Religious Life of the School
- Actively participates in and leads prayer
- Demonstrates compassion, hospitality, justice and excellence in their daily actions
- Is an active member of Mini Vinnies
- Like Catherine McAuley, recognises and serves the needs of those who are on the ‘fringe’ without seeking recognition
Please keep an eye on the school calendar and our Facebook page for upcoming events. We have lots coming up!
God Bless
APMI - Jodie Inskip
The role of the APMI – Part 1: Religious leadership
The Assistant Principal Mission and Identity (APMI) plays a crucial role in leading Religious Education at Holy Name. By enlivening the religious life of the school and guiding the implementing the Religious Education program, the APMI ensures that our faith values are at the heart of everything we do. They empower teachers to work confidently as witnesses, moderators and specialists when delivering Religious Education lessons which focus on exploring through encounter and dialogue. This process involves students engaging with different ideas and experiences, and having open, respectful conversations about faith and life.
The APMI aims to connect the work of the school and parish, enriching the spirituality and life experiences of all community members involved. At Holy Name, the AMPI works with Fr Darrell and the Holy Name Parish to plan and organise school Masses, Church visits and weekly classroom visits.
During the month of October, we celebrate World mission month. This month, Catholic Missions encourage schools and students to support their work through the fundraising program ‘Socktober’. The wearing of crazy socks and fun soccer games and activities engages students to raise awareness and crucial funds for mission programs supporting disadvantaged and vulnerable children around the world.
The emblem of Socktober is a makeshift ball crafted from old socks, t-shirts, and plastic bags, all bound together with string, capturing the spirit of the event. Many years ago, a young Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who would eventually become Pope Francis, played with a similar ball on the streets of Buenos Aires.
"I have a memory ... of the ball of rags, the 'pelota de trapo': leather was expensive and we were poor, rubber was not yet so common, but it was enough for us a ball of rags to have fun and almost perform miracles playing in the square near home."
- Pope Francis, 2021
Thank you to all Holy Name students and families who participated and donated to this very worthwhile cause this week.
World Teachers Day – Friday 25 October
This Friday, we celebrate our wonderful teaching staff. At Holy Name we are blessed to have a team of hard working, dedicated and passionate teachers who go above and beyond to support out students in their academic, social and emotional development.
A Prayer for our Teachers…
God of Love,
Thank you for every teacher who notices a child’s special gift.
Thank you for teachers who are listeners and gentle guides.
Thank you for teachers who expect much and love enough to demand more.
Thank you for the special teacher each one of us remembers.
God of Mercy, Sustain teachers who give everything they have.
Strengthen teachers who assume the blame for so many problems beyond their control.
Help exhausted teachers rest.
God of Strength, Encourage teachers to care and inspire them to nourish.
Motivate teachers to keep on learning for the fun of it and to make learning enjoyable for children.
We wonder at teachers who know how to quiet a class of five year olds or help fourth graders be empathetic.
We admire teachers who enjoy middle school writers, or teach physics or math of history.
Bless the people who are expected to accomplish these miracles and who know how to comfort children when miracles don’t happen.
God of Justice, help and support teachers in their special calling, wherever they teach and whatever obstacles they must face.
We pray these things in the name of our great teacher, Jesus Christ.
Prayer from the National Catholic Education Association
Teaching and Learning
This week, students from Years 3 to 6, have been engaging in a series of online assessment tasks. The Progressive Achievement Approach (PAT) testing is completed annually and allows teachers to measure students’ abilities at this point in time and helps detect gaps in learning, and identifies strengths and weaknesses. Across the week, students engage in 4 PAT assessments: Reading, Grammar and Punctuation, Vocabulary and Maths. PAT testing is not as formal as NAPLAN and no formal preparation is needed. Further information about PAT can be found here PAT information for Parents and Carers.
School Fees
A reminder that Term 4 school fees are now due.
If you are experiencing difficulty paying your fees, please contact the office to arrange a meeting with Mrs Cavanagh.
Thank you.
Prep - Tennille Kauter
Prep/1 Gold - Hannah Patterson
Year 2 - Kirralee Bronkhurst
Year 2 - Stacy Mills
Year 3 - Tilly Hose and Sarah McAllister
Year 4/5 - Danni Canning
As part of our learning in HaSS we looked at the legal system and the different roles that are in a court. To help the students understanding of these roles we held a mock court case, where the students took on these different roles. They were asked to develop and argument, come up with some questions to ask witnesses and a jury was formed. It was a huge hit!
Year 5/6 - Brook Marquart
Sport - Jenna Taylor
School Counsellor - Christopher Byrne
Tips for High School
Being Organised
Print out multiple timetables
Timetables are lists that tell you where and when you need to go to get to your class. Stick them to things you can’t lose like folders or workbooks. Keep a copy in your pencil case and bag as a backup.
Make sure you can find the front office
The people at the front office will be able to help you with where you need to be if you get confused.
Have a map of the school
A map will help you find where you need to go, or at least find your way back to the front office.
Keeping Up with Study
Homework club
Find out if your school has a homework club that meets before or after school (or sometimes at lunch) and go to this if you can.
Find some study buddies
Find people doing the same subjects as you and do homework as a group. This is more motivating, keeps you organised, and you can help each other.
Print out Term Planners
Many subjects/classes with have a Term Planner which has a list of what topics you will be studying each week. Print these out and stick this in your workbook for the subject. This helps you prepare and know what you missed if you were away.
Look over what you will be leaning before you get to class
This will help get your brain ready to learn. The more times you look at work the better you will remember it. It also allows you to find out what the hard parts are, so you have time to get help with these.
Ask for Revision Tests
A “Revision Test” or “Practice Test” is a test very similar to a real test coming up. These are the best way to study for a test. Sometimes teachers give them to the whole class before a test, sometimes you might need to ask.
Managing Stress
Have strategies to let stress out
Make sure you have some (at least 2-3) strategies/activities to let stress out (e.g., that are fun or relaxing) that you can do at school (e.g., read a book, do colouring/drawing, go for run, kick a ball etc.). Make sure you have a strategy you can use in class as well (e.g., deep beathing/5 finger breathing/diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, positive self-talk etc.)
Learn more about stress management
Programs like https://www.momentumhub.org.au/ are free and have great tools to learn more about managing stress, anxiety and mood.
Make sure you have someone to talk to about stress
Have a list of safe people you plan to talk to when you get stressed (e.g., parents/guardians, grandparents, extended family etc.). Talk to someone before you go over 5/10 stressed; don’t wait until you are at 7/10 or 8/10 stressed or you can become overwhelmed. Counsellors at https://kidshelpline.com.au/ (1800 55 1800) are always available to chat and are happy to talk about anything no matter how big or small. If you haven’t called or (or text chatted) with Kids Helpline before, try contacting them with your parents/guardians first so everyone knows how it works. This way you can be more confident to call them when you need to.