2025 Term 1 Week 2
From the Principal - Lisa Cavanagh
Prep - Tennille Kauter
Year 1 - Jodie Inskip
Year 2 - Kirralee Bronkhurst
Year 3 - Sarah McAllister/ Annie Roberts
Year 3/4 - Stacy Mills
Year 4 - Katie Green
Year 5 - Anna Vassen
Year 6 - Sandra Rosentreter
HPE - Jenna Taylor
Prep Vision Screening
Holy Name Uniform
Lifeline Bookfest 2025
From the Principal - Lisa Cavanagh
Newsletter Article
Term 1 – Week 2 2025
Dear Holy Name Families,
A very warm welcome back to the new school year. I would like to extend a particular welcome to the families new to Holy Name School. We look forward to sharing your children’s educational journey with you.
We have had an incredible start to 2025. It has been wonderful to have all our students return to school with such positive attitudes and a readiness to learn. The staff participated in the Teach Like a Champion training during the pupil free days and have been implementing much of this work already. Educational research indicates that students achieve the greatest success in their learning when the learning environment is STRUCTURED and PREDICTIBLE, and where they experience a sense of BELONGING. This is our focus for the school this year.
School Renewal and Improvement Process
Holy Name School is scheduled for a School Renewal and Improvement quadrennial school review from Monday 24 March to Wednesday 26 March, 2025.
The Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office has a School renewal and improvement framework in place which has as a key element a quadrennial school review. In this review a panel consisting of senior staff from the Toowoomba Catholic Schools (TCS) Teaching and Learning Directorate and a peer principal from another school in the Diocese visit the school for three days.
Through a process of appreciative inquiry, panel members interview staff, parents/carers, students and community members. The questions asked are “In your opinion, what is going well at the school?” and “What could be done better?” The purpose is for the panel to report to the school community its findings and suggested improvement strategies. These inform the process of strategic plan development and the annual action plans which are also linked to the TCS Strategic Plan.
The aim is to assist schools to strategically plan to improve teaching and learning and these reviews occur in all TCS schools.
The review team would like to hear from the school community and I encourage anyone who is interested to have their say. Your feedback is important and will help us to continue to achieve the two pillars of TCS: that all students will come to personally know Jesus and that all students will achieve academic success.
Feedback can be provided to the review panel in person or by telephone. All feedback remains confidential.
Please contact the school office if you are interested in speaking to a reviewer. You may also register your interest by emailing holyname@twb.catholic.edu.au .
Pilgrims of Hope
2025 is a year of Jubilee in the Catholic Church. This Jubilee occurs every 25 years as a special time for grace, prayer and pilgrimage. Pope Francis declared the 2025 Jubilee theme of “Pilgrims of Hope”. Throughout the year, this will be a recurring theme in our classroom prayers and whole school liturgical celebrations.
I am very excited to announce that I will be taking a couple of weeks long service leave at the beginning of Term 2 to make my own pilgrimage. My husband and I will be travelling to Italy and joining a group of fellow pilgrims on a prayer tour of The Vatican, Rome and Assisi. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to attend Mass in The Vatican, visit the Sistine Chapel and to take part in (God willing) a group audience with the Holy Father, Pope Francis, in St Peter’s Square. Rest assured, the Holy Name School community will be in my thoughts and prayers as I make my pilgrimage. Thank you to Mrs Manthey who will be acting principal in my absence.
Parent Engagement Network
As you may be aware, in 2024 our community decided to establish a new parent engagement group; a group that brings together our P&F and School Advisory Council. This new group is called the Holy Name Parent Engagement Network or PEN for short.
Through the PEN we will gather as community to discuss topics of interest, to garner advice and points of view and to undertake projects and plan events.
The next step in establishing our PEN is to call for expressions of interest for a President and Vice President to work alongside the principal and Parish delegate as the Executive team. The Executive team’s role is to plan the activities of the PEN and align these with achieving the priorities of the school contained within our Strategic Plan. This will include the PEN forums, held each term and working parties that get in and ‘do’ projects and arrange events and activities that bring our school community together.
If you are interested in either the President or Vice President roles, please send an email with your contact details and the experiences and skills you believe you could bring to the role to the Holy Name email address by Friday 7th March. The PEN AGM is scheduled for Tuesday 11 March at 5pm.
The Jubilee Prayer
Father in heaven,
may the faith you have given us
in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity enkindled
in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope
for the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us
into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos
in the sure expectation
of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
your glory will shine eternally.
May the grace of the Jubilee
reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,
a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace spread
the joy and peace of our Redeemer
throughout the earth.
To you our God, eternally blessed,
be glory and praise for ever.
“The Jubilee 2025 Prayer” by Pope Francis.
God Bless
Lisa Cavanagh
As we embark on another exciting academic year filled with promise, growth and faith, I extend a warm welcome to our new and existing families to Holy Name Primary School. As the Assistant Principal – Mission & Identity (APMI), I am honoured to share in the mission of nurturing hearts, minds, and spirits through the values instilled by the Sisters of Mercy. Inspired by the teachings of Catherine McAuley, at Holy Name Primary School, our focus extends beyond academic excellence to encompass the holistic development of each child, embracing the Gospel Values lived in the Mercy Tradition, our Powers of the Heart, of Hospitality, Compassion, Justice and Excellence.
As we set sail into the upcoming school year, we are filled with anticipation for the spiritual and educational adventures that await us. From liturgical celebrations to community service projects, we look forward to creating lasting memories and deepening our shared commitment to our Powers of the Heart.
May the spirit of Catherine McAuley continue to guide us in all that we do. Here’s to a blessed and successful academic year at Holy Name Primary School.
Kerri-Ann Manthey
God of endings and beginnings,
As we begin our journey together, we place our trust and hope in you.
You are our companion and friend.
Help us to learn from you how we can care for each other every day.
Term One Date Claimers:
Friday 14 February Year Six Parish Mass 9.00am (Holy Name Church)
Wednesday 19 February Opening Mass & Leadership Induction 9.00am (Holy Name Church)
Friday 21 February Year Five Parish Mass 9.00am (Holy Name Church)
Wednesday 05 March Ash Wednesday Prayer Celebration 8.45am (MEAC) Beginning of Lent
Friday 07 March Year Six Leadership Retreat (School)
Friday 07 March Year Four Parish Mass 9.00am (Holy Name Church)
Sunday 09 March Project Compassion Launch Mass 9.00am (St Patrick’s Cathedral)
Friday 14 March Year Three/Four Parish Mass 9.00am (Holy Name Church)
Friday 21 March Year Three Parish Mass 9.00am (Holy Name Church)
Monday 31 March Mindfulness Monday
Friday 04 April Holy Week Prayer Celebration 8.45am (MEAC)
Sunday 13 April Palm Sunday
Thursday 17 April Holy Thursday
Friday 18 April Good Friday
Sunday 20 April Easter Sunday
Monday 21 April Easter Monday
Sport Coordinator News
Throughout the year Toowoomba Primary School Sport and Darling Downs School Sport run trials in a variety of sports to choose representative teams. Please see attached document outlining nomination details including dates and eligibility criteria. Please note that ALL NOMINATIONS FOR THESE TRIALS NEED TO GO THROUGH THE SCHOOL. Contact me at kerri-ann.manthey@twb.catholic.edu.au, if you would like to nominate.
Kerri-Ann Manthey
Throughout the year Toowoomba Primary School Sport and Darling Downs School Sport run trials in a variety of sports to choose representative teams. In most cases students are required to participate in a Toowoomba Trial to be eligible for a Darling Downs Trial. These teams will then travel away to Regional and State Championships.
For a student to be eligible for nomination they must meet the following criteria:
- Be turning 10, 11 or 12 in the current calendar year. i.e. born in 2015, 2014 or 2013.
- Have had a reasonable amount of experience in their chosen sport.
- Have a high level of skill and had success in their chosen sport.
In some cases, like touch football, where there are a number of interested candidates, the school will conduct in-house trials to choose players to be nominated for these trials. This is important because; 1) the players that the school nominates need to meet the required selection criteria, 2) be of a suitable standard to trial and 3) schools are limited to a certain number of students at these trials.
Except for Netball and Boys Rugby League, all teams chosen are 12-year old sides. While 10 and 11-year old’s are eligible, they must be of a very high standard. Most teams chosen will consist predominantly of 12-year old’s. 10-year old’s are NOT eligible for Girls Rugby League or Rugby Union.
Please also complete this process If your child is hoping to be selected for the School Cross Country, Swimming or Track & Field Team.
It is also important to note, that only students who are available to attend both the Regional and State Championships, will be eligible for nomination. All nominations for these trials need to go through the school, and decisions on which students are nominated is at the sole discretion of the school.
If your child would like to be considered for Zone, Toowoomba, or Darling Downs Team selection, please check your availability for ALL the trial dates and complete the APPLICATION FORM:
Term 1 | Zone/Toowoomba Trial | Regional Trial (DD) | State Championship |
Volleyball | NO TOOWOOMBA TRIAL | 27 February 2025 | 27-30 April 2025 Caloundra |
Boys/Girls Swimming | 17 February 2025 Range 18 February 2025 West & Central | 5 March 2025 Gatton 13 November 2025 Toowoomba (Multiclass) | 23-25 March 2025 Chandler 23-28 March 2025 Chandler (Multiclass) |
Girls Cricket | NO TOOWOOMBA TRIAL | 6 March 2025 Highfields | 15-18 September 2025 Aspley |
Boys Cricket | 17 February 2025 | 10-11 March 2025 Warwick | 15-19 September 2025 Bundaberg |
Orienteering | NO TOOWOOMBA TRIAL | 20 March 2025 TBA | 26-27 July 2025 Kingaroy |
Boys/Girls AFL | NO TOOWOOMBA TRIAL | 31 March 2025 Toowoomba | 5-8 June 2025 Maroochydore |
Girls Squash | NO TOOWOOMBA TRIAL | 1 April 2025 Crows Nest | 22-25 May 2025 Acacia Ridge |
Boys Squash | NO TOOWOOMBA TRIAL | 2 April 2025 Crows Nest | 22-25 May 2025 Acacia Ridge |
Boys/Girls Netball | 26 & 27 February 2025 | 1 April 2025 Toowoomba | 11yrs: 29 May – 1June 2025 Caloundra 12yrs: 29 May – 1June 2025 Caloundra |
Boys/Girls Hockey | 10 March 2025 | 2 April 2025 Toowoomba | 5-8 June 2025 Toowoomba |
Girls Basketball | NO TOOWOOMBA TRIAL | 24 April 2025 Toowoomba | 12-15 June 2025 Boondall |
Boys Rugby League | 2 March 2025 | 29-30 April 2025 Toowoomba | 11 Years: 5-9 July 2025 Brendale 12 Years: 26 June – 1 July 2025 Mt Isa |
Boys Basketball | 3 & 5 March 2025 | 24 April 2025 Toowoomba | 12-15 June 2025 Boondall |
Boys/Girls Golf | NO TOOWOOMBA TRIAL | 30 April 2025 Toowoomba | 22-25 June 2025 Met West |
Term 2 | Zone/Toowoomba Trial | Regional Trial (DD) | State Championship |
Boys/Girls Cross Country | 28 April 2025 | 20 May 2025 Toowoomba 9 May 2025 Toowoomba (Multiclass) | 18-20 July 2025 Bald Hills |
Boys Football (Soccer) | 30 April 2025 | 29-30 May 2025 Dalby | 31 July - 3 August 2025 Tingalpa |
Girls Football (Soccer) | 30 April & 1 May 2025 | 30 May 2025 Dalby | 31 July - 3 August 2025 Tingalpa |
Boys/Girls Tennis | 14 May 2025 | 9 June 2025 Dalby | 14-17 August 2025 Cairns |
Boys/Girls Touch | 11 May 2025 | 10 June 2025 Toowoomba | 14-17 August 2025 Roma |
Boys/Girls Rugby Union 11/12 ONLY | 2, 3 & 4 June 2025 | 27-28 May 2025 Goondiwindi | 24-27 July 2025 Padua College |
Boys/Girls Softball | NO TOOWOOMBA TRIAL | 9 June 2025 Toowoomba | 21-24 August 2025 Ipswich |
Baseball 12 Years ONLY | NO TOOWOOMBA TRIAL | TBC Ipswich | 4-7 September 2025 Sheldon |
Girls Rugby League 11/12 ONLY | 3 & 4 June 2025 | 25 July 2025 Toowoomba | 15-18 September 2025 Townsville |
Term 3 | Zone/Toowoomba Trial | Regional Trial (DD) | State Championship |
Boys/Girls Track & Field | 11, 12, 13 August 2025 Central, Range, West | 1-2 September 2025 Toowoomba 28 August 2025 Toowoomba (Multiclass) | 13-15 October 2025 Townsville 13-19 October 2025 Townsville (Multiclass) |
Term 4 | Zone/Toowoomba Trial | Regional Trial (DD) | State Championship |
Boys/Girls Aquathlon 10 & 11 ONLY | NO TOOWOOMBA TRIAL | 24 October 2025 Dalby | TBC |
Boys/Girls Triathlon 12 ONLY | NO TOOWOOMBA TRIAL | TBC | TBC |
*Please note that the dates below are subject to change.
Prep - Tennille Kauter
Welcome to Term 1!
What a fantastic start to the year we’ve had! Our Preps are settling in beautifully, with nerves starting to calm and friendships beginning to form. It’s been wonderful to see the routines and expectations starting to take shape. Thank you, parents, for your ongoing support and understanding – especially with quick drop offs and for helping our little ones practice their morning jobs. It truly makes a difference!
This term, we’ll be focusing on some exciting learning areas:
- Phonics: Exploring what words are, how sounds come together to form words, and blending.
- High frequency words: Introduction to common words we see and use often.
- Letter formation: Practicing how to write letters clearly.
- Writing our names: mastering the skill of writing our own names.
- Text exploration: Looking at texts, characters, likes/dislikes, images in texts, making predictions, and responding to what we read.
- Connecting number names with numerals
- Counting and comparing quantities
- Simple addition and subtraction
- Repeating patterns and sequencing events
- Sorting and comparing data
- Listening to stories about Jesus, particularly those focussed on prayer and teaching others to pray.
- Participating in various prayer experiences, including meditative prayer, learning the sign of the cross, and the meaning of ‘Amen’
- Exploring the external features of plants and animals and learn how to group plants and animals with similar characteristics.
- Explore and talk about who they are in their family.
Specialist lessons:
Tuesday: Health and Library
Friday: PE and The Arts
We’re excited for the term ahead and to continue supporting our Preps as they adjust to school life. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out via email at Tennille.kauter@twb.catholic.edu.au
Here’s to a wonderful term of learning, growth, and fun!
Mrs Kauter and Mrs Thomas

Year 1 - Jodie Inskip
Welcome to a new school year: Year 1 2025
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope this newsletter finds you well and excited for the start of a brand-new school year!
The beginning of the school year is a time filled with excitement, curiosity, and the promise new discoveries. In Year 1, we are committed to providing a nurturing and engaging environment where each child can grow, learn, and thrive. This year, I am excited to be joined by two wonderful school officers, Mrs Melville will assist the class Monday thru Thursday, and Mr Schonfeld will be in class on Friday.
As we embark on this new academic year, let's take a sneak peek into the subjects/topics we will be exploring this term:
- Daily Prayer
- Power of the Heart: Compassion
- Listen to Scripture and make connections with personal experiences in our community
- Identify the nature of Jesus’ mission and ministry
- Read accounts of The Last Supper and Easter Story and recognise these as part of Holy Week.
- Phonics, spelling and early reading skills
- Create short written texts
- Develop vocabulary and oral language skills
- Explore literature by engaging in a range of quality texts (Picture Books)
- Explore Non-Fiction texts and the purpose they serve (Information)
- Counting, recognising and representing numbers
- Basic addition and subtraction strategies
- Units of time
- Collecting and representing data
- Number patterns
- 3D shapes
Science (Including Design Technology):
- Investigating the world of living things and their needs
- Learn about the basic needs of plants and animals including humans.
- Explore how humans use food and fibre to stay alive
- Simple experiments and hands-on investigations, observations and discoveries
HaSS (Humanities and Social Sciences):
- This term’s focus is on History
- Explore the differences in family structures and roles today, and how these have changed over time
- Explore continuity and change between aspects of the daily lives of students and their parents/grandparents
This year promises to be filled with exciting challenges, educational adventures, and meaningful milestones for our students. I look forward to a fantastic year of growth, learning, and laughter. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Wishing everyone a successful and joyful school year ahead!
Warm regards,
Jodie Inskip

Year 2 - Kirralee Bronkhurst
Hi Everyone,
Week 1 is already done and dusted! I hope you are all well and had a lovely holiday and ready for the start of the school year!
Here is what is happening in Year 2 this Term.
Mathematics- This term students will be exploring place value, addition and subtraction, skip counting, data, time, calendar and seasons as well as directions.
English- Student will be exploring narrative texts. We will be learning how authors develop and describe characters in narrative text through adjectives and adverbs as well as making connections through stories.
Religion- This term in Religion our focus topic is on How can we create a world of love and peace. Students will be exploring this concept through scripture, readings and hands on learning.
HASS- students will explore how places can be represented in geographical divisions and interconnection across those scales. Students will explore their location in space across scales and discuss how distances influence the frequency in which people visit places.
Science- This unit is designed to be as hands-on as possible, allowing students to explore how different actions make sounds, how to make sounds, and recognise that sound energy causes objects to vibrate.
Library- Students are reminded to bring their library bags to school each Tuesday to borrow library books. Students will be borrowing books for home as well as keeping some books at school in their tidy trays for independent reading.
Homework- A reminder that Homework is due every Thursday and handed out on Friday’s.
‘The Holy Name Way’- which is to be respectful, responsible, safe and an active learner.
Please also keep an eye out on Sentral/ social media for any updates on school events.
Looking forward to a great Term 1! 😊
Kirralee Bronkhurst
Year 3 - Sarah McAllister/ Annie Roberts
Dear Year 3 Families,
Welcome to the new school year! We hope your child had a happy and settled Week One, and they are excited for the year ahead - I know I am!
We just wanted to give you some information about Year 3, our weekly timetable, class expectations and routines.
- Classroom expectations - Be Safe, Be a Learner, Be Respectful & Be Responsible
- Communication book (commencing week 3) - Daily communication between teacher, student and parent/carer about your child’s learning behaviours and goals. Please sign the wellbeing communication form each day, write any comments or notes for the teacher and return communication book daily. This tool will help both, parents and teachers, to monitor and support your child’s wellbeing, behaviour, engagement, learning goals, achievements according to classroom expectations and the Holy Name Behaviour Support Plan.
- Healthy snack - Please provide your child an additional healthy snack daily (labelled, if possible) for morning 'brain break'
- Our class wellbeing activities include: daily prayer, Christian meditation, mindfulness activities, movement breaks, wellbeing check ins, self-reflection sheets and morning Welcome Circle. Zones of Regulation explicitly taught and calm corner/sensory resources used as needed for emotional regulation.
- Weekly Handy Helper – greets classmates, helps teacher and leads prayer
- Footsteps of Jesus awards (one per term) and Student of the Week award celebrating students’ Learning Powers
Year 3 Blue Timetable
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - Mrs Sarah McAllister (Mrs Mac) - HASS
- Thursday & Friday – Mrs Annie Roberts - Science/Tech
(Religion, Maths, and English are taught daily by both class teachers)
- Tuesday - Library - Mrs Tindall/ Health - Mrs Taylor
- Friday – PE – Mrs Taylor/ The Arts – Mrs Mac/ Chinese
- Formal uniform - Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
- Sports uniform - Wednesday & Friday
- Homework - Due back to school each Monday please; this gives you the weekend to complete it if your week's been a little hectic!
- Assembly - Thursday at 2:30pm MEAC (weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
- Church - This year, Year 3 will begin attending Mass along with the other Year 3-6 classes on a rotational basis and Fr Darrell will visit our classroom throughout the term.
- Don’t forget your library bag on Tuesday!
- Homework will commence next week (Week 3) and continue weekly through to week 9. No homework for week 10 each term (Wellbeing Week).
- Homework will go home each Monday and needs to be returned the following Monday please!
- Homework consists of:
- Reading Comprehension
- Number revision
- Daily reading (15-20mins)
Term 1 Date Claimers
- Term 1 Learning Power - Persistent; Term 1 Mercy Value - Compassion
- Welcome BBQ & Parent Information Night – 18th February, 5:30-7pm
- Opening Mass (Holy Name Church) - Wednesday 19th February at 9am
- Ash Wednesday Prayer Celebration (MEAC) - Wednesday 5th March at 8:45am
- NAPLAN – Wednesday 12th March
- Term One Learning Meetings (Classroom) – Tuesday 18th March 3:15-7:00pm
- Holy Week Prayer Celebration (MEAC) - Friday 4th April at 8:45am
- Cross Country – Friday 4th April (after Holy Week Prayer Celebration)
Parent Engagement
- Communication book (to be brought home/back to school daily). This is intended to keep you informed of your child’s daily wellbeing and behaviour. Our aim is to work in partnership with you on your child’s learning journey.
- Email Sarah on sarah.mcallister@twb.catholic.edu.au & Annie on
- Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year. If you would like to meet in person, please contact us first to arrange a suitable time.
- Newsletter - (Thursday weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10) At the beginning of each term you will find a termly overview of what we will be learning about in Year 3 according to the Australian Curriculum, as well as photo updates throughout the term. You will find information about whole school events, the religious life of the school, P&F updates and school initiatives in the fortnightly newsletter, so please have a read of it.
- Assembly (Thursday weeks 2,4, 6, 8, 10) - Student of the Week Awards
- Learning Meetings - Term 1 & Term 3; Report Cards Term 2 & Term 4
Term One Curriculum Overview
English: Exploring the Magical World of Matilda
In our English lessons this term, we are diving into the enchanting world of Roald Dahl's "Matilda." The students will embark on a captivating novel study that not only encourages a love for reading but also helps develop their understanding of both narrative and persuasive text types. Get ready for engaging discussions and creative writing inspired by Matilda's extraordinary adventures!
Maths: A Journey Through Various Concepts
Our Maths curriculum this term is filled with a diverse range of concepts. From exploring measurements and understanding space to delving into the realms of money and number, our students will be challenged to think critically and apply their mathematical knowledge to real-world situations. Expect to hear about exciting discoveries and "aha" moments as they navigate these mathematical landscapes.
Science: Unveiling the Wonders of Living Things and Lifecycles
In Science, our young scientists will be exploring the marvels of living things and lifecycles. Through hands-on activities and engaging experiments, students will gain a deeper understanding of the natural world around them. From observing the life cycles of plants and animals, our classrooms will be buzzing with curiosity and exploration.
HASS: Understanding Rules and Community Participation
In Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS), we are on a quest to uncover the significance of rules in our school and local community. Students will explore who makes rules, why they are important, and the consequences of not following them. Additionally, we will delve into the concept of community participation, understanding why people engage in communities and how our young learners can actively contribute to making a positive impact.
Religion: Spiritual Exploration and Learning
In our Religion classes, we will engage in meditative prayer, providing students with moments of reflection and spiritual connection. Furthermore, we will delve into the teachings of Jesus, exploring the life and lessons of this influential figure. The study of the 10 Commandments and The Beatitudes will provide a foundation for ethical understanding and moral development.
Wishing you a fantastic start to the year ahead! We are so excited to be teaching your child this year and can't wait to see where their learning journey takes them.
Warmest wishes,
Sarah McAllister & Annie Roberts
Year 3/4 - Stacy Mills
What an amazing start to the school year! Year Three/Four have settled in really well and have been working hard. Here are some things that they have enjoyed/ or are look forwards to this year:
-I am looking forward to trying new things. (Ella)
-I am looking forwards to working on harder math work this year. (Joelle)
-I am looking forward to learning multiplication. (Heidi)
-I enjoy the learning games we have been playing. I like all the students in our class. (Olivia)
-I like journal writing. (Angel)
-I am enjoying health. (Vance)
-I am working really hard. (Bianka)
-I am looking forwards to fun learning. (Grace)
-I love science. We are learning about living things.
-I have enjoyed having fun and learning with this class. (Evodie)
-I enjoy the friendships in this class. (Jonathan)
-I like this class. (Archer)
-I am looking forwards to a great year. (Hutchie)
-I hope we go on an excursion. (Elijah)
-I like my classmates(Lincoln)
-I am looking forwards to learning new things.(Konnah)
-I like everyone. (AJ)

Year 4 - Katie Green
Term 1, Week 2
Welcome to a new year at Holy Name, which is bound to be a wonderful year. Year 4 has had a sensational start and this week we have hit the ground running with our learning. We are blessed to have Mrs Jodie Wagstaff and Mrs Eli Good working in our classroom as support officers this year.
This term in English we are reading the novel, The Thing About Oliver, by Australian author, Deborah Kelly. We will be exploring the genre of narrative and how stories can change depending on the narrator’s perspectives.
In science, we are doing an exciting unit on how we can use our scientific knowledge to support our local environment and explore our roles as consumers, producers and decomposers. We are looking into what would be good to plant in our school garden for the coming season.
Identifying local government rules and laws and examining why they are important to have in our community, and how they impact our daily lives, is this term’s learning for HaSS. Later in the term we will be diving into a geography unit.
Overall, we have a very busy term of learning ahead. We are mastering our class and school routines and procedures so that we learn in a calm and learning-centred classroom. Thank you to all the parents/carers who have sent photos to me for the student’s ‘green folders’ we are making. We are eager to see how far we grow this term.
Year 5 - Anna Vassen

Welcome back for another year of schooling. I’m looking forward to teaching this fabulous bunch of year 5’s. This year, I am hoping to help your children become more resilient, confident in themselves, and that I can lead them to emotional, spiritual, and academic growth.In Mathematics, we are going to concentrate on Number study; operations, place value, factors, multiples, and problem solving. We will be learning our rolling numbers (times tables and division facts) because that is the basis for all our other concepts. Students will be using the Mathletics App for consolidating learning and problem-solving tasks.In English this term we will be looking at the novel War Horse and building our skills and knowledge using this as the focus. Students will be developing their spelling skills using the Diocese Approach to Spelling and dictation.In Science we will be investigating light. Where light comes from, how it changes and how we see light. The HASS unit will be taught over the semester and covers things such as colonisation, significant events and people, and life and land before and after colonisation.In Religion we will identify the many ways in which faith is shared and strengthened in communities of believers, past and present. We will be looking at the significance of personal and communal prayer and worship (including the Eucharist, the Psalms, Sabbath rituals and prayers.A reminder that camp is coming up in week 5 (24th-26th February), and NAPLAN begin on 12th March. Please try to ensure that your child is present during the testing period as there is only a certain number of days that they can sit the tests if they miss one.Thank you in advance for your support this year as we work together to help our students thrive.
Year 6 - Sandra Rosentreter
Welcome to the new school year. I am very excited to be joining the Holy Name school community. The students have eagerly jumped into their role as school leaders by being exemplary role models and contributing through acts of service. Below is an overview of what we will be learning this term.
Unit 1: Living Faith
Students analyse information from a variety of texts. They identify and describe many ways in which faith is lived out in the lives of believers past and present. They analyse the key messages and contexts of some Old Testament prophets.
Unit 2: How do Lent and Easter link to our Catholic celebrations today?
Students will identify and describe many ways in which faith is lived out and celebrated in the lives of believers past and present, including commemoration of High Holy Days by Jewish believers, the Church’s liturgical year and the celebration of Eucharist. They will recall Jesus’ Jewish roots and heritage. Read St Paul’s telling of the Last Supper. Students will then research the Jewish festivals explained in Leviticus (part of the Torah) which Jesus would have participated in. These festivals will be then connected to today identifying which ones Catholics commemorate and celebrate under different names and why.
Unit: The Wild Robot
When robot, Roz, opens her eyes for the first time, she discovers that she is alone on a remote, wild island. Why is she there? Where did she come from? And, most importantly, how will she survive in an environment which she is ill-suited to? The Wild Robot offers students a hopeful tale of adaptation in the face of adversity and the fresh possibilities technology offers. In this language and literature unit, students will explore textual concepts of narrative, character and genre against the backdrop of this compelling science-fiction novel.
Students will start Term 1 collecting and representing data. They will then move into Number where they will focus on multiplying and dividing and everyone’s favourite – fractions. In the second part of the term students will investigate units of measure and 3D shapes. Moreover, they will look at equations, number patterns and further develop their understanding of number concepts.
Unit: Circuit Breakers
Students will learn about the role of the components in an electrical circuit and how they affect the transfer and transformation of energy. Using the context of blackouts, students explore how switches work and design prototype backup electrical circuits
Unit: Australia as a Nation (History)
The Australia as a Nation topic is divided into four units; Becoming a Nation, Democracy and Citizenship, Stories of Migration and Contributors to our Development. Within these units, students study the reasons for uniting as a nation and the formation of an Australian Federation. They will study human rights, past and present, of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, migrants, women and children and the key values that underpin Australia’s democracy. Students will learn about the influences of Britain and America on Australia’s system of laws and government. Individual cases of migration using primary sources will be studied, to identify factors that influence a person’s decision to migrate and examine the contributions of individuals or groups to our national identity. The historical skills of questioning and communicating, analysing sources and data and evaluating and reflecting on research are used throughout.
Health (classroom)
Unit: Understanding and Managing Emotions
This unit is about emotions, and how our responses to emotions can influence our behaviour, relationships and learning. Emotions are important and we all have them; they are a part of being human. Students will identify and explain the connection between emotions and behaviour. They will look at helpful and unhelpful ways to respond to emotion. Finally, students will see how reactions and responses to certain emotions can either positively or negatively impact on learning and on my relationships
Design Technologies
In Term 1, Design Technology is integrated in science. Students will be describing the process needed to carefully plan and select components for a system to perform a specific task, for example planning the arrangement of switches, light globes and a power source in a lighting design

HPE - Jenna Taylor
Sport News – Week 2 Term 1 2025
Welcome back to school for the 2025 year! I am very excited to be teaching PE again, but also the Health Specialist Lessons too!
It was lovely to meet all out new students last Friday for their very first PE lesson, where we played some games to get to know each other, and we did some fitness challenges to see where everyone was at after an 8 week break from sport – I know I struggled with this also!
This week we have AFL coming to Holy Name to promote their sport with the children, so we are looking forward to that!
In the coming weeks, we will be participating in an Orienteering programme that I have been able to acquire thanks to our Sporting Schools grant for this term! How exciting to try something new in PE, I hope the children will really enjoy it! I will add some photos in the next newsletter!
Congratulations to the children selected to represent Holy Name at the Catholic Swimming Carnival next week, we wish you well and know you will do us proud!
We will round out the term of sport with some Cross Country training, leading into our Cross Country Carnival at school on the 4th of April. This might be a good time for the children to pop on their running shoes after or before school and get practicing!
As always, any questions regarding sport, please let me know!
Jenna Taylor
PE Teacher
Prep Vision Screening
The Primary School Nurse Health Readiness Program is coming to Holy Name school.They are a Queensland Government service that offers Free Vision Screening to all children enrolled in Prep. If your child is in Prep and you would like their vision screened, please complete a consent form using the below link or QR code. The following video explains the benefits of having your Prep child’s vision screened – “What is PrepVision Screening?”Thank you Holy Name Primary School - ToowoombaScreening commencement date: Tuesday, 18 March, 2025Link and QR code will close on Sunday 16th March (QR code has been sent through Central to all Prep families)
Holy Name Uniform
The Holy Name uniform is available through School Locker, with the list of required uniform items available through the Holy Name website. School Locker is available online, alternatively there is a temporary store located at One Stop Stationery, Shop B, Plaza Shopping Centre, 1 Plaza Circle, Highfields. Unfortunately, some of the items are on backorder, we anticipae they will be back in stock soon.
There has been a minor change to the school dress. The new style has the same shape collar as the school blouse and no embroidery. The old style are still OK to wear.