Term 3 Week 2
From your Principal

Shaping Our Future...
A wise woman once said, “I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way.” (Vale Tina Turner).
Yet the future is always a tantalising space; we like to speculate about it, imagine it, and if we are brave enough, we attempt to predict its path. Rather than just simply predicting our future, we currently have a shared opportunity to create it. Every two years we ask staff, parents and students in our school to share their views, to check in on how we are bringing to life our purpose: to enable full and flourishing lives. We do this by asking each of you to complete a perception survey. The Shaping our future – Toowoomba Catholic Schools perception survey was sent via Sentral on Monday 17 July and will close on Sunday 06 August, 2023. Please check your email for a link to the survey. For more information email: kerri-ann.manthey@twb.catholic.edu.au
CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK – Communities of Faith, Hope and Love
The tradition of Catholic education preparing students for the future is acknowledged this term in Catholic Education Week. Celebrated annually in Week Three of Term Three (23-29 July 2023) Catholic Education Week, is an opportunity for all 313 Catholic schools in Queensland to celebrate and promote their distinctive mission and ethos. Catholic education strives to make a difference in the lives of those in our schools and in the wider community by challenging young people to live out the message of Jesus and to reach their full potential as compassionate, contributing, life-giving members of society. The week begins with school photos on Monday 24 July, followed by several events taking place in classrooms including activities and prayer celebrations. In addition, our Year Five and Year Six students will attend a sporting Gala Day on Thursday 27 July. Please note Friday 28 July will be a Student Free Day, as staff will be attending Bishop’s Inservice Day, a day of professional learning and spiritual renewal with the newly installed seventh bishop of Toowoomba, Bishop Ken Howell.
Each year during this week, worthy recipients are recognised for what they have done for our school community. We are very fortunate to be blessed with a generous and highly capable staff who give of themselves to our students. Congratulations are extended to Mrs Sarah McAllister for her nomination for the Spirit of Catholic Education Award. We recognise and thank her for her contribution to the Holy Name community.
This term the students will be introduced to the Learning Power of Collaboration. Using I Can Statements, students will learn to work as part of a team, developing important life skills such as problem-solving, listening, leadership and creative thinking, setting them on the future path to success.
- I am an important contributor.
- I know we can find a solution together.
- I will acknowledge and accept others.
- I can trust myself and others when sharing ideas and giving feedback.
Our Power of the Heart focus this term is Justice. Catherine McAuley, founder of the Sisters of Mercy believed that Jesus must be recognised in our conduct. In other words, treating each person in a fair and equitable way. Students will come to understand and demonstrate justice through the use of I Can Statements.
I can:
- say sorry and make things right.
- stand up for what I know is right.
- be fair when working and playing with others.

Student Protection is everybody’s business. The safety and wellbeing of our students is of paramount importance. Student Protection Processes and Guidelines are in place and are reflective of legislative and regulatory reporting requirements. All staff are trained in these processes. Our nominated staff members, known as Student Protection Contacts, from whom students and staff can access support and advice, are Ms Tilly Hose, Mrs Brenda Roberts and Mr Christopher Byrnes.
We are proud to continue our support of the Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum with students this term being educated about personal safety and protective behaviours. Information about the curriculum can be found by visiting the Daniel Morcombe Foundation.
P&F Association
We have a vibrant and dedicated Parents & Friends’ Association at Holy Name Primary School who support the school in providing a quality education of all children enrolled. The P&F are responsible for the operation of the tuckshop, uniform shop, fundraising and social activities. From the Welcome Back breakfast and coffee, to the splash of colour and brightening up the Undercover Area, our P&F are instrumental in developing a sense of community at Holy Name.
Parent participation in the Holy Name P&F is strongly encouraged. Meeting dates are advertised in the school calendar and on Facebook and Instagram. All parents and friends in our community are invited to attend these meetings.
Please note that there will be no fortnightly tuckshop this term. Meal Deals will still occur. These will be advertised.
We welcome Mrs Prudence Thomas to Holy Name Primary School in the position of School Officer – Assisting Student Learning. Mrs Thomas has extensive experience as a school officer and will be working in the Year One classrooms. I know she will enjoy her time in our warm and friendly community.
Finally, as Tina’s lyrics reverberate in my head, I cannot help but look forward with anticipation to what the future holds for Term Three, knowing the very privilege I have in shaping the future.
Kerri-Ann Manthey
Annual Calendar of Events
Amado Nervo writes:
I am only a spark; make me a fire,
I am only a string; make me a lyre.
I am only a drop; make me a fountain,
I am only an anthill; make me a mountain.
I am only a feather; make me a wing
I am only a beggar; make me a king.
We need to think big. Perhaps our daily efforts may seem small or incidental in the grand narrative of history, but we need to remember that doing something concrete in the here and now make big changes in the long run. Goodness in our lives impact on others.
In a school, we celebrate the small successes, teachers love the lightbulb moments when our students understand what we are teaching. At home, please celebrate the small success with your child. As these small success add up!
The 2023 Opti-Minds Team have begun working on this year’s presentation. The topic for the team this year, is based on a fictional island where two tribes live. One tribe has a voice, and the other does not. Our team must work together to create a story, explaining why one tribe has no voice, and what they will do to regain a voice. The ideas have been flowing thick and fast, as the team work together on their presentation. We will
Sacrament of Confirmation
The Holy Name Church are holding Catechism lessons in preparation for Confirmation on Friday November 3rd at Holy Name Church 7.00 pm.
Lesson Schedule
Catechism lessons will be held at the church on:
Thursdays at 3.30pm after school and
Sundays at 9.30AM after Mass on the following dates:
Sunday October15th
Thursday October 19
Sunday October 22
Thursday October 26
Sunday October 29
Thursday November 2nd
Friday November 3rd Confirmation Night at 7PM
If you would like to register your child in this program, please contact Carol Keutmann jakobslodge@bigpond.com OR 0439703031.
Prep News
Prep News!
Welcome back to Term 3!
We’ve only been back for two weeks and already we’ve celebrated 100 days at Holy Name and visited Amaroo. Term 3 is looking to be a busy one.
Term 3 Curriculum Focus:
In English this term, students will listen to and engage with a range of rhyming stories. They will write and present a rhyming sentence to their peers.
In Maths this term, students will have opportunities to develop understandings of:
* Measurement - make direct and indirect comparisons of mass, explain comparisons of mass.
* Number and Place Value - compare quantities, equalise quantities, combine small collections, represent addition situations, identify parts and the whole, partition quantities flexibly, share collections (and objects), identify equal parts of a whole.
* Patterns and Algebra - identify, copy, continue and describe simple and growing patterns
* Positional language
In Science this term, students will have the opportunity to explore, through hands-on activities, what things are made of in the school environment and the properties of the materials used to make them.
In HASS, students will investigate the places they live in and belong to.
In Health, students will examine safe and unsafe situations and learn strategies and processes which will enable them to make decisions which will promote health, safety and well being.
Art with Mrs Mac
Art lessons with Mrs Mac have begun! Each Tuesday, students will engage in Art lessons.
Our homework runs from Wednesday to Wednesday. Please ensure your child’s homework book, home readers and Library books are returned to school on Wednesday. Please keep up your nightly reading routines and daily sight word practice. We will continue to test sight words on Friday mornings.
Term 3 Assembly Presentation
It’s our turn to present at Assembly. Save the date!!! Thursday 14th September (week 10).
We are looking forward to a great Term 3!
Mrs Kauter and Mrs Holm

Year 1 News
The Year One classrooms have been a hive of activity this term. In Religion, the students have been learning about the Old Testament and people in the Bible. This week, we studied the creation story in Genesis, and learnt about Adam and Eve.
In Mathematics, the Year Ones have been learning to give and follow directions. We have been so proud of the children’s listening skills as they follow directional words and even pathways involving turns! We have started our number of the day with a focus on partitioning and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. This week, we will begin our study of mass, work consolidating our understanding of numbers to 120 and working on operations.
We are both thrilled to join the Holy Name community. Thank you to all the parents who have introduced themselves to us so far. We are committed to ensuring a smooth transition for our Year One classes, and we have spent time reviewing student progress, and getting to know your children's individual strengths and needs.
Justine Francis and Kirralee Bronkhurst.
Year 2 News
In year 2 this term we are focusing on Narratives. We are wanting to create an amazing narrative to display in the library for book week. We are focusing on expanding our knowledge of narratives which will include structure, language features and illustrations.
During mathematics we will learn about fractions, addition and subtraction. We will also be introduced to multiplication and division for the first time, which we are excited about.
We get the experience of space and the earth during science and talk about all the resources including non-renewable and renewable resources our earth offers.
In HASS we are flying to different countries to connect with places that we may have been to and many we have not.
Year 3 News
Welcome back to Term 3 at Holy Name. Hopefully we won’t have cold, windy days for most of the term!!!
If there are any concerns or questions about your son/daughter, please email me – David.anderson@twb.catholic.edu.au. I am happy to arrange an interview or a meeting if it is required. There will be parent/teacher interviews towards the end of this term.
Please remind your children about the importance of keeping up with the good hygiene protocols, especially washing hands and using sanitiser. The class has started this term well and it is important that they are at school as many days as possible this semester.
This term, we welcome Mrs Mac back to do art each Tuesday morning, the Year 3 students are thoroughly enjoying this time. Thanks Mrs Mac.
Reminder, if your child is away please let the office know so accurate rolls can be kept by the school.
Have a good week.
David Anderson
Year 4 News
Hi everyone and welcome to Semester 2, Year 4. My name is Andrew Tennent and I will be teaching the class for the remainder of the year. I have had over 35 years teaching experience and have taught in various public and private schools. I have a love of teaching Writing and Year 4 has already published two descriptions-one of a Fox and a second on a Bushfire. The students have enjoyed learning how to use interesting words to bring their descriptions to life and they have also illustrated these with oil pastels.

Year 5 News
Year 5’s Jumping into Term 3
We hope this newsletter finds you well and excited to begin Term 3! It's hard to believe we're already halfway through the year. We have an exciting lineup of subjects and activities planned for the upcoming term, and we can't wait to dive in. Here's an overview of what our students will be learning in each subject area:
English: Poetry and Informative Texts In English, our focus this term will be on poetry and informative texts. Students will explore various forms of poetry, learn about poetic devices, and create their own expressive verses. Additionally, they will engage with informative texts, developing their skills in comprehension, summarization, and critical thinking.
Mathematics: 3D Shapes, Coordinates, Perimeter, and Area Mathematics will continue to cover a wide range of concepts this term. Students will explore the fascinating world of 3D shapes, learning their properties and how to calculate volume and surface area. They will also delve into coordinates, mastering the skills of plotting and reading points on a grid. Additionally, students will strengthen their understanding of perimeter and area through practical applications and problem-solving activities.
HASS: Geography and Human Impact on our Environment and Natural Disasters In Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS), our focus will be on geography and human impact on our environment. Students will study various geographical features, map reading skills, and the ways in which human activities can affect our environment. They will also explore the causes, impacts, and responses to natural disasters, fostering a greater understanding of our world and the importance of sustainable practices.
Science: Light Sources and Experiments The science curriculum this term revolves around the fascinating topic of light. Students will investigate different sources of light, explore the behaviour of light waves, and learn about reflection, refraction, and absorption. Through hands-on experiments and engaging activities, they will gain a deeper understanding of the properties and behaviour of light.
Health: Developmental Changes, 'Growing Up,' and the Daniel Morcombe Curriculum In Health, students will embark on a journey of personal growth and well-being. We will cover topics related to developmental changes during adolescence, focusing on physical, emotional, and social aspects. Additionally, we will incorporate the Daniel Morcombe curriculum, empowering students with essential skills and knowledge to ensure their safety and well-being.
Exciting Updates and Activities
We are thrilled to announce that Mrs. Roberts will be continuing with the Environment Club this term. The club aims to encourage participation and engagement in creating a healthy future for all. Students will have the opportunity to explore sustainable practices, take part in environmental initiatives, and contribute to the well-being of our school and community.
We encourage all students to get involved and make the most of the exciting learning opportunities ahead. We believe that a collaborative effort between school, parents, and students will ensure a successful and fulfilling term.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to a fantastic Term 3!
Warm regards, Mrs. Roberts, and her Fabulous Year 5’s.
Year 6 News
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope this newsletter finds you well and that you have been enjoying the first half of Term 3. It's hard to believe how quickly the school year is passing by!
In English, we will be completing a novel study of Morris Gleitzman’s book, ‘Boy Overboard’. We will read as writers to analyse language features, themes, characterisation, and the plot. In addition to this, they will write narrative orientations, journal entries and descriptions. So far, we’re really enjoying the book!
In HASS, we will learn about the social conditions in Australia during the 20th century, gain knowledge about human rights, appreciate their significance, and understand human rights laws.
In Mathematics, we will be covering a wide range of topics, including area, probability and statistics, addition, and subtraction of fractions as well as many more! These topics are essential in developing students' problem-solving skills and providing them with a strong foundation in mathematics.
Year 6 students will have the opportunity to visit the school library every Tuesday, where they can access a wide range of books and other resources to support their learning. In addition to this, Year 6 will have an Art lesson with McAllister. On Wednesdays, we will have our Physical Education (PE) lesson. Finally, on Friday’s Year 5 and 6 will participate in Inter-school Sport where they will play soccer.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to express my excitement about the upcoming term. I am incredibly proud of the leadership skills that the Year 6 students have developed throughout Semester One. I look forward to continuing to support them in their role as leaders of our school and watching them grow even further in their abilities.
I am looking forward to working with our students and helping them achieve their full potential. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kindest regards,
Tilly Hose
Year 6 Teacher
Sport News
Hello everyone and welcome back to school for Term 3! We started off the term with a bang by attending the Catholic Athletics Carnival on Friday the 14th of July. Holy Name was well represented by 53 athletes from ages 5-12.
The children competed in various events and did so well. The aim of this carnival is to promote fun and team spirit and boy did we have plenty of that! Again, I would like to sincerely thank a group of Year 5 and 6 children who are always willing to help me out with organising these events and put on a very spirited display of cheering for their peers. From loading our tent onto the bus, to taking the little ones to their event and then waiting for them at the end of the track to return them to the tent. I am so proud of our little school and am very honoured to say that I am their teacher. A big thank you also to Miss Hose and Mrs Elmes for all their help organising our athletes and supervising them throughout the day!
A select few children will receive notes in the coming week to invite them to attend the Central Zone Athletics Carnival. Please keep an eye out for this communication and email me with any concerns or queries. This carnival has qualifying standards that need to be met to be able to compete.
In PE Lessons this term, we will be having a Touch Football development officer come out as part of our Sporting Schools grant, as well as a couple of other special guests who have requested to come to our school. These will include AFL, Basketball, Futsal and Baseball. I hope the children enjoy their sport this term as much as I enjoy delivering it!
Please email me with any sporting questions, enjoy the term!
Jenna Taylor
PE Teacher

School Fees
Term 3 school fees have now been emailed. Please contact the school office if you have not received your statement.
We appreciate your commitment to paying your fees which allows the school to provide high-quality education programs and experiences for your child.
Thank you
2023 Census Privacy Collection Notice
Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. This information assists schools to:
- formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools.
- consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools
- develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.
The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.
The NCCD has no direct impact on your child and your child is not be involved in any testing process. The school provides data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student is able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. More information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal (https://www.nccd.edu.au).
School Photos

Toowoomba Concert Orchestra
Lighthouse Workshops
Momentum Mental Health ‘The Journey of an Art Therapist’ Exhibition – FREE art therapy sessions 18 July | 20 July:
Dreamscapes + Elementals Wednesday 27 July until Friday 18 August – FREE Workshops
(Kim Walmsley, Jennifer Summers and more)